Soft Washing and Render cleaning - What manufacturers recommend

Cleaning of exterior renders, and cladding, using a Soft Washing technique, not only enhances the appearance of your property, it is also recommended by manufacturers. iNEX Property Cleaning Services provide qualified Soft Wash render cleaning services.

K-Rend is probably one of the most recognised names in building renders and recommends that building renders receive an annual maintenance clean to prolong the lifespan and performance of the render products.

Renders breathe and are porous by nature: they allow substrate moisture to flow out from the wall, so any blockage from a bio-film is going to hamper their performance. As a result, they are prone to accumulations of dirt which provide a wonderful site and feeding ground for bio-films to set up shop and begin to colonise your external surfaces.

Initially you will not see much but, given time, and all of a sudden, you begin to see patches and ‘streaks’ on the surface of your render where the bio-films are beginning to bloom.

Most common are red and green algae on walls, with the potential for types of mould and moss along the bottom, around the external damp course area, adjoining paving.

HOWEVER, this accumulation need not occur, and your property can be adequately maintained and, indeed, revived with a maintenance clean of rendered surfaces, with professionally applied, HSE approved products.

Not all products are the same; some are better than others and, of high importance to the overall quality of such a task , the knowledge of cleaning renders (the best technique and equipment used for application) are, indeed, a factor in achieving long lasting results.

For further details or to book a consultation at your chosen property please CLICK HERE or call us on 01472 802325.


Cleaning exteriors surfaces using the Soft washing method.